Monday, August 12, 2013

Newsletter and Homework August 12, 2013

Mrs. Bauer’s First Grade
Joseph Martin Elementary
August 12, 2013

This week we will be learning the concepts of more, less, and the same in math.  We will be working with comparing and doing tally charts.  Please reinforce these concepts at home. 

We are reading some stories together in class focusing on consonant, vowel, consonant words such as hat, got, and put.  We are doing a phonics lesson each day and a grammar lesson each day.  We work on sight words and reading fluency individually, in whole group, and in small group throughout the week.  We will begin going to the library and checking out AR books next week.  You should see a report from me with some information about your child’s individual reading level next week. 

We are beginning our study of The Wizard of Oz this week.  We are learning about the different elements of stories, especially fairy tales.  Expect to hear a lot about the Land of Oz in the next few weeks.  We have a great time reading and doing activities with that book!

We will be observing the weather and learning about different types in science.  We will be learning all about the oceans and continents in Social Studies for the next two weeks and then we will move on to landforms. 

Please remember to send your child’s folder to school each day. 

If you need anything, please send a note in his or her folder or an email to

Please follow my blog

Homework for this week:
·         Complete math worksheet
·         Read and color Phonics reader.  Circle all the Consonant/Vowel/Consonant pattern words and discuss
·         Watch the weather forecast on television or read the weather in the newspaper at least once this week and write a sentence about it. 
·         Optional Social Studies Project:  Choose one of the seven continents to do a project.  It may be a poster, a written report, a Power Point presentation, or any other format your child chooses.  They should include information about the geography, weather, and people.  This can be as elaborate or as simple as your family chooses.  These will be presented in class the week of August 26.  They need to be at school by that day. 
·         Spelling words for this week: 
down, got, up, at, hat, cat, can, cap, tap, map, mad, a, the

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